Say Cheese Please!

Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in

Mid-Week Food for Thought & Inspiration!

While flying Southwest Airlines this afternoon I picked up the July issue of the in-flight magazine Spirit and found a quote in an article that I wanted to share.

In the magazines "Advisory" section "kindred spirit Richard Wiseman" the author of the book 59 Seconds was quoted and credited for "distilling dozens of simple, practical tips that one can apply in a minute or less". These "scientifically proven methods" the article went on to say are "designed to fit anywhere on your calendar".

So on this particular Wednesday aka "Hump Day" I decided to share the following excerpt that made me SMILE and hopefully will have the same effect on you.

"In a classic study, researchers asked one group of people to furrow their brows while another group adopted a slight grin. These simple acts of facial contortion had a surprisingly significant effect on mood. The group that smiled reported feeling happier than the people who frowned. The study proved that people don’t just smile when they feel happy, but also feel happy because they smile".

So there you have it... the thought for the day... Say Cheese Please!

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