Thought for the Day: SIMPLIFY

Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in

January is almost behind us... I can't believe it!

Quite an eventful start to the year for me with plenty of travel and new connections that I have completely enjoyed and for ALL of you reading this note I am hopeful you had a FUN 1-11 as well!

I know I have not been so great this new year to date at sharing any food for thought here on this BlogSpot so today I thought I would change that.

Thought for today... SIMPLIFY.

When I saw the TO DO list below on the wall of my Doctor's office recently it really resonated with me and as a result I am sharing here with all of you.


Slow Down

Imagine Doing Less

Make Time for Loved Ones

Practice Patience

Learn to Quietly Say No

Increase Your Quiet Times

Follow Your Heart

Yield to LIFE

My goal for the remainder of 11 - SIMPLIFY.

I'll let you know how I do and in the meantime as always sending my very BEST WISHES to all of YOU!

The Upside of Social Media

Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in

Let me start this post by making a sweeping generalization:

• If you're 40 years or younger, you're all there in the social media world.

• 40-plus? Not so much.

Ah, the great social media divide.

But this post is for both groups, so please read on.

Social media is here, whether we like it or not. Whether we're familiar with it, or not. Whether we use it, or not. Whether we understand its value, or not. So with this blog post, I intend to convince you of its value....and if you're already a regular user of these social tools, to encourage you to broaden the scope of its use in your daily routine.

Here's a high impact video on the subject from my friend Connie Podesta.

Take two minutes to watch here:

TEXTING HARRY - Connie Podesta

Do you recognize yourself in this context? If you're over 40, maybe you're Harry. Younger? Then perhaps you're grandson, Chad. Of if you're a frequent flyer like me, maybe you're even Connie.

In the not too distant past, I was reluctant to tune in and turn on to the value of  social media. And then I remembered a hard lesson learned....

A hundred years ago -- otherwise known as the 1980s -- I got a call from my Dallas office. My staff there asked for my permission to buy something they called a “FAX machine”, which was cutting edge communications technology at the time.

“We have to start FAXING resumes to our clients or we will lose business” the branch manager shared. "You don't need one," I replied, “FAXING is just a phase; the latest craze. We can conduct business just fine without one."

Almost immediately, we started losing business. Why? Because we were being left behind. Our competitors were far more responsive to clients because the FAX machine allowed them to react so much more quickly.

Taking a longer view, turns out I was right. Faxing WAS a phase.... for a quarter century, that is. Enter all the social media tools of today that don't just give us quick access to customers, friends and family... they give us INSTANT access.

Here's to the powerful connections now available to each of us through today's technology.

Let me hear how things like YouTube, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter and the rest of these tools are improving your ability to connect and communicate.

Till next time I say stay warm, stay connected and stay OPEN to change.....


Mary B. Lucas

Happy New Year! 1/11!

Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in

Early this morning I took a peek at the Tribute Center I created this past year in memory of my Mom & Dad which raises funds for the American Heart Association (AHA). A magical milestone peeked back at me: So far, we've raised more than $11,000.

Said another way......As of  1/11, we have generously given over $11 thousand at What an accomplishment!

This got me pondering the Power of One -- I have been thinking a lot lately about the Power of One... both personally and professionally. Think about it. Each of us is just ONE person. But together, we are multitudes strong. Each of us creates significant impact on the world around us. That's how positive change occurs.....ONE person, ONE step, ONE dream at a time, all moving in the same direction.

In this New Year of 2011, I remain committed to supporting the important research, education and advocacy work established by my pals at the American Heart Association. They need support from people like us to continue their mission. Every one of us counts!

So here's my New Year's Resolution: Having lost both of my parents to heart disease, I intend to do what I can not only to raise funds for the AHA but also to RAISE AWARENESS OF GOOD HEART HEALTH PRACTICES among my own sphere of influence. Friends, family, colleagues, neighbors......YOU.

This month, 1/11, with this email I'm launching the Power of One Heart Health Awareness Campaign.

Here's how it works:

This campaign is a grassroots educational effort designed to carry the AHA mission virally, relying on our own personal relationships and today's social media communications tools.

It is a simple advocacy effort designed to improve the heart health of individuals -- multiple "ones" -- and encourage each "one" person to share the same wellness info with "one" other.

Together, we can create an open dialogue resulting in an incredible opportunity to affect positive change with every person we come in contact with. Think of the tens, hundreds, thousands of friends, families and others in our sphere of influence we can empower to carry the AHA flag, promote awareness, and instill healthy heart habits "one" at a time? The rippling effect could go on and on and on.

And the results? Healthier hearts and improved quality of life for each of us.

So please click here to learn about some simple and effective healthy heart tips from the American Heart Association

Please consider this your one opportunity to make a difference in your own life and the lives of so many others. Join me in the Power of One Heart Health Awareness campaign in 2011. Pass this important information on to every one you know! Trust me, it makes your heart feel good to do so.

Wishing every one of you 72 healthy heart beats per minute in 2011.

Mary B. Lucas, B.D.

American Heart Association Advocate and Founder of