What Color is Your Tuesday?
Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in
The weather here is starting to change yet the zinnias’ in my garden are still so brilliant with color I just had to share.
As human beings, we exude color each day, too.
We instinctively respond to the colors our eyes -- and mind -- perceive.
You're familiar with people feeling "blue" when they are down. Or they see "red" when they are angry. When the sun never quite shines, we think it's a "gray" day. When someone is jealous, they are "green" with envy.
Color, without our realizing it, can have a profound effect on how we feel both mentally and physically. Here are some examples:
• Blue means peace, tranquility, trust, loyalty.
• Green suggests environment, health, youth, luck.
• Purple represents royalty, spirituality, wisdom... and because I'm a K-State grad, it also means WILDCATS!
• Red is the color we pay most attention to. It is the warmest and most energetic color in the spectrum. Red is love, speed, celebration and strength. Personally… it reminds me of all things that come from the HEART.
Remember, life happens to each of us in color. How we respond to that is the measure of our character.
So with that in mind... what color is your Tuesday?