Better by Choice

Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in

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An Attitude of Gratitude

Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in

Those of you who knew my dad, know me, read my book or heard me speak in the last few years know that a guiding principle of The Butcher's Wisdom can be summarized in one word:   Gratitude.  My dad reinforced this simple but important word in all of our father-daughter discussions, in all of his customer interactions, in every aspect of his life.  He did so by his words, his actions, his attitude.  No matter what the circumstances life threw at him -- good and not so good -- he found reasons to be grateful.

It's a simple word with complex implications.  In fact, the "Attitude of Gratitude" is transformative.  I found a beautiful TED video that carries forth my dad's own message thru the eyes of a small child just now discovering life.......and an old man who is at the end of his. 

Click below to find a big dose of inspiration wrapped up in so many of the small things we may take for granted.

As always, I'm grateful for all of you.