The Echo of Giving
Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in
Happy Father's Day to all...
Moms, Kids, Uncles and Aunts Included!
"Because I have given, I have received so very much in return."
"The joy of giving back to others."
Before you read further, friends, take note: This is not a message on the importance of giving. Instead, I want you to consider the impact of giving, or what I call the "echo of giving."
Here's what I mean: I gave a speech a few years back following the publication of my book, Lunchmeat & Life Lessons: Sharing a Butcher's Wisdom. It wasn't my best presentation and I knew it. Worse, I knew the audience agreed with my assessment. I left the stage and my confidence fell through the floor. Why wasn't I more prepared? Why hadn't I projected more emotion? Why didn't I connect with my audience?
A moment later, a man came up to me and took both my hands in his. Who was this person? His presence startled me as I was lost in my own thoughts. I'll never forget his words:
"I don't know what you said or what your message was as you spoke to our group," he began. "I didn't hear a word of it. All I know is that you stood in front of us and told us you were going to share some wisdom from the greatest man you ever knew: Your father."
I could see where this was going... he was ready to clobber me for my ineffective keynote address. Here it comes, I thought!
But wait. No, that wasn't it at all. The stranger continued, looking me straight in the eyes:
"You see," he continued, "I'm a new father. I left my six week old baby girl for the first time this week so that I could come to this convention and all I could think of as you spoke for the last hour is how can I be the kind of father to my daughter that your father was to you? How can I create that love, loyalty and lasting impact in her life? Thank you for inspiring me to be the best father I can be."
I couldn't speak for a moment. I simply held his hands tighter.
He walked away and I knew that something incredible had happened. It didn't matter that I thought I had delivered a poor presentation. My words had connected with someone in a powerful way. I had given of myself -- and he had received.
So what about the echo of that giving? Undoubtedly that businessman went home with a new way of thinking. A changed direction in being a father to that new baby girl. A re-organized list of life's priorities. And I bet that echo resonates on to this very day. In turn, he gave of himself to another person who received and embraced that simple gift.
On and on it goes. The circle of life. The echo of giving.
Remember my own father's words as you give of yourself to others... you receive so very much in return. I know I did that day.
Finally, to that gracious new dad who touched both my hands and my heart back in 2006,
I wish you a very special Father's Day 2011.
All the best!
Mary B. Lucas