Let's Get Growing!
Posted by Mary B. Lucas | Posted in
Hello and Happy Monday!
When I was a kid, I remember swallowing a few seeds from an apple I'd chewed down to the core and immediate panic set in. With my eight year old mind, I was afraid to open my mouth, add water or sunlight for fear I would do more of what Mom accused me of: "Growing like a weed."
Thankfully, new growth doesn't happen that easily or that quickly, though I long for that upcoming spring day when our surroundings suddenly appear as if everything has bloomed at once. Until then, each little purple crocus, yellow daffodil, blade of new green grass provides us with that anticipated image of the beautiful change to come. No wonder the buds of spring find me digging in new ways to grow.
Why be simply an observer? Why not actively engage in significant growth of your own?
If you're like me, it's high time to shake off those winter doldrums. Let's plant some seeds to inspire.....here are a few ideas to help us all blossom spiritually and soulfully this spring:
Go to bed earlier. Learn a new language. Step outside your comfort zone. Volunteer at a local charity. Go decaf. Schedule that overdue dental exam or mammogram. Sign up for a class. Listen to your spouse.....really listen. Work toward that career goal. Wear something red. Take off ten pounds. Give more than expected. Walk around the block. Clean out the garage. Offer free smiles to random strangers. Read the book you got for Christmas. Turn off the TV. Quit smoking.....now.
Now here's the fun part. Do it with a friend.....a good "bud" who will support and encourage you along your path. The mountains we climb aren't nearly as steep if we have a loyal pal trekking shoulder to shoulder with us. The bonus? You'll accomplish your goal in no time, and you'll have a new bond in friendship with someone who cares about your success.
An apple tree is a metaphor for a fruitful life. Gratefully, the apple seeds I ate so many years ago didn't turn me into one.....but I've been pursuing that bountiful existence ever since. My heartfelt wish for all of us this spring? Let's GET GROWING!
Til next season, thanks for reading.
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